Windows 10 build 15025 Insider disponibile nel canale Fast

A pochi giorni dal rilascio della build 15019 di Windows 10 Creators Update per gli iscritti al programma Insider, ricchissimo di novità, Microsoft rilascia attraverso il canale Fast il nuovo Windows 10 build 15025 solo ed esclusivamente per i sistemi desktop con processori con architettura a 64 bit.

Questa nuova build di Windows 10 Creators Update Insider Preview dispone ovviamente di molte meno novità rispetto alla precedente versione oltre ad essere la build di partenza del secondo Bug Bash, che da questo venerdì darà il via alle quest e richieste da parte di Microsoft per scovare il maggior numero di bug possibili in questa release.

Queste le principali novità di Windows 10 build 15025:

  • Aggiunto supporto linguaggio braille per l’assistente vocale.
  • Windows 10 build 15025
  • Aggiunta opzione ascolto audio mono nelle impostazioni di Accessibilità.
  • Aggiunta la sezione Collezioni nel Feedback Hub.
  • Migliorata la funzione di luminosità notturna, ora fino a 1200 K (rosso) e risolti i problemi con lo slider.
  • Windows 10 build 15025

Problemi risolti

  • We fixed the issue where clicking on certain elements in desktop (Win32) games causes the game to minimize and cannot be restored.
  • Windows Insiders should no longer have trouble connecting to certain Google sites due to an implementation of a new security model being rolled out to further enhance user security.
  • Extensions in Microsoft Edge are back to working as expected.
  • App developers can now request to pin their primary tile, just like secondary tiles, allowing apps to highlight their awesome live tiles – see this blog post for more info.
  • Quicken 2017 should launch and working normally again.
  • Windows Insiders will no longer see a “Mixed Reality” entry on the main page of Settings.
  • We fixed an issue Insiders may have experienced where the Network flyout would unexpectedly appear blank instead of listing available Wi-Fi networks.
  • We fixed an issue where the custom color picker in Color Settings might stop working when selecting new colors.
  • We fixed an issue where certain colors in the recent colors section of Colors Settings would unexpectedly not appear selected after being selected.
  • We fixed an issue where if you downloaded a theme from the Store, deleted it, then downloaded it again, it wouldn’t appear in Themes Settings.
  • We’ve improved the performance when using point erase to ease ink in Sketchpad.
  • We’ve updated the Windows Ink Workspace so it will now remember your most recently selected stencil (ruler or protractor) and keep that choice the next time you open Sketchpad.
  • We fixed an issue where, after upgrading, some Insiders were left with certain tiles that couldn’t be unpinned from Start. We also fixed an issue where pinning a tile might unexpectedly add it in the middle of an existing group of tiles.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in some Insiders using PCs with certain older chipsets seeing colored boxes in the place of text and various other UI in UWPs apps.
  • We fixed an issue where desktop shortcuts pointing at URLs weren’t working for some Insiders.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in not being able to tab over to Other Users section on the login screen using only the keyboard.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in Microsoft Edge sometimes freezing for a short after using CTRL+C to copy selected text in the address bar.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in the shadows behind the set aside tabs in Microsoft Edge not being as dark as expected – the thumbnails should pop more now.
  • We fixed an issue with notification toast priority from recent flights where an alarm or skype call toast would not interrupt a reminder toast.
  • We fixed an issue where some captive portal Wi-Fi networks might fail to connect during OOBE, and if a captive portal network was using DNS hijacking to redirect to a secure site, the captive portal app would crash and you wouldn’t be able to clear the portal.
  • We fixed an issue where Yes/No voice commands in the Wi-Fi portion of OOBE weren’t working.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in the screen flashing and explorer crashing in a loop for some Insiders if they entered Safe Mode on recent builds.
  • We fixed an issue for devices with TPM chips on 15019 where the TPM was unexpectedly not able to start.
  • We fixed an issue where a window might appear to get “stuck” on the mouse when releasing it after dragging to resize it – requiring an extra click to let go.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in poor quality scaling of taskbar and task view thumbnail previews. We also fixed an issue where periodically when you moved your mouse to hover over a taskbar thumbnail preview, it might unexpectedly immediately dismiss.

Nuovi problemi

  • Importante: la barra di progresso del download dell’aggiornamento non funziona correttamente. Potrebbe essere mostrato un progresso dello 0% o potrebbe bloccarsi ad altre percentuali, si consiglia di attendere sino a quando l’installazione non avverrà automaticamente. Non dovrebbero esserci problemi relativi al download, per maggiori informazioni consultare QUI.
  • While we fixed the primary bug causing this issue, some Windows Insiders may still hit nonstop exceptions in the Spectrum.exe service causing their PC to lose audio, disk I/O usage to become very high, and apps like Microsoft Edge to become unresponsive when doing certain actions such as opening Settings. As a workaround to get out of this state, STOP the Spectrum.exe service and delete C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Spectrum\PersistedSpatialAnchors and reboot. For more details, see this forum post.
  • Game Mode is enabled system wide by default, however, the ON/OFF toggle in Settings will incorrectly show it as being OFF until the user manually toggles the Setting to ON which will cause it to update and accurately display the status of Game Mode system wide.
  • Certain hardware configurations may cause the broadcast live review window in the Game bar to flash Green while you are Broadcasting. This does not affect the quality of your broadcast and is only visible to the Broadcaster.
  • Microsoft Edge F12 tools may intermittently crash, hang, and fail to accept inputs.
  • Microsoft Edge’s “Inspect Element” and “View Source” options don’t correctly launch to the DOM Explorer and Debugger, respectively.
  • Dragging apps from the all apps list to pin on Start’s tile grid won’t work. For now, please right-click on the desired app in order to pin it.
  • Some Tencent apps and games may crash or work incorrectly on this build.
  • Under Settings > Update & security > Windows Update you might see the text “Some Settings are managed by your organization” even though your PC isn’t being managed by an organization. This is a bug caused by an updated flight configuration setting for Insider Preview builds and does not mean your PC is being managed by anyone.
  • On some PCs, audio stops working sporadically with ‘device in use’ error”. We are investigating. Restarting the audio service may fix things for a bit.
  • The Action Center may sometimes appear blank and transparent without color. If you encounter this, try moving the taskbar to a different location on screen.
  • The Desktop App Converter Preview (Project Centennial) will fail to run on the Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 15025. If you are a developer utilizing the converter tool to convert your desktop app to UWP, we suggest skipping Build 15025 or switching to the Slow ring until we can fix this issue.

Guida all’installazione

L’aggiornamento è disponibile per tutti i PC e i tablet che rispondono ai requisiti minimi richiesti per l’installazione della versione pubblica di Windows 10 Anniversary Update.

Per installare le versioni beta di Windows 10 destinate agli Insider:

  1. Andate in Start
  2. Scegliere in Impostazioni
  3. Selezionare Aggiornamento e sicurezza -> Programma Windows Insider
  4. Premere Per iniziare
  5. Leggere quanto indicato nel messaggio “Installerai software e servizi non definitivi, che potrebbero non essere totalmente testati” e se d’accordo premere Avanti.
  6. Leggere quanto indicato nel messaggio “Prima di confermare” e cliccate Conferma.
  7. Leggere quanto indicato nel messaggio “Ancora un passaggio…” ed ora premere Riavvia ora.
  8. Il PC/tablet verrà riavviato.
  9. Dopo il riavvio andare in in Impostazioni > Aggiornamento e sicurezza > Programma Windows Insider e verificare di essere entrati nel programma Insider.

Ricordiamo ancora una volta che le versioni Insider sono delle vere e proprie beta di Windows 10 e che come tali potrebbero risultare instabili e con problemi di traduzione. Sconsigliandone l’uso su Computer di lavoro o comunque con materiale sensibile installato, pronti a provare questo nuovo Windows 10 build 15025 e commentare qua sotto tutte le novità ed i miglioramenti introdotti da Microsoft?

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