OnePlus 3T si aggiorna alla nuova OxygenOS Open Beta 5

In attesa dell’arrivo del nuovo top di gamma 2017 OnePlus 5. continua l’incessante lavoro degli sviluppatori nell’integrare miglioramenti, nuove funzionalità e bug fix sull’attuale top di gamma OnePlus 3T, che oggi riceve la nuova versione OxygenOS Open Beta 5.

Di seguito il changelog ufficiale della OxygenOS Open Beta 5 per OnePlus 3T:

  • Bluetooth improvements
    • Car bluetooth fixes
    • Battery usage optimizations
    • Fixed some auto connection issues
  • GPS optimizations
    • Improved accuracy, now less likely to drop GPS connection
  • Night Mode optimizations
    • Update default sunrise time (8AM -> 6AM)
    • Fixed issue of auto night mode not turning off
    • Fixed issue of auto night mode turning on, but doesn’t stay on
    • Fixed issue of night mode causing issues with sRGB
  • Launcher optimizations
    • Fixed issue of system reboot when setting wallpaper
    • Fixed issue where setting of wallpaper doesn’t work
    • Prevent occasional Launcher crash
    • Removed extraneous wallpaper entry
  • Clock widget improvements
    • Fixed bug where clock widget shows smaller after exit of a full-screen app
  • Dark theme improvements
  • Translation improvements
  • Updated community app to 1.8
  • Other general bug fixes and optimizations

Avete già aggiornato il vostro OnePlus 3T? Cosa ne pensate di questo nuovo firmware? Diteci la vostra nel box sottostante.

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