Samsung Exynos 5 Octa | Arriverà la tecnologia Heterogeneous Multi-Processing

Samsung continua a lavorare sui suoi processori Exynos 5 Octa, presentati ufficialmente dalla casa Coreana lo scorso Luglio e che vedrà nelle prossime versioni l’integrazione della funzionalità Samsung Heterogeneous Multi-Processing o HMP derivata direttamente dall’architettura big.Little di ARM.

Il Samsung HMP è una tecnologia che permetterà al SoC di utilizzare tutti gli otto core contemporaneamente o soltanto un singolo core a seconda delle necessità e delle richiesta in modo da ottimizzare maggiormente il consumo della batteria e svolgendo quindi meno operazioni tra i vari core ed inoltre vengono sfruttati i core meno potenti (Cortex-A7) e più parsimoniosi in termini di consumi per le operazioni meno complesse.

Samsung HMP debutterà sui prossimi Exynos 5420 previsti per la fine di quest’anno, mentre i primi dispositivi con questo nuovo processore arriveranno durante i primi mesi dell’anno prossimo. Vi lasciamo con il comunicato ufficiale rilasciato da Samsung ed un video che mostra il funzionamento di questa nuova tecnologia.

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Samsung Primes Exynos 5 Octa for ARM big.LITTLE Technology with Heterogeneous Multi-Processing Capability

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., a world leader in advanced semiconductor solutions, today announced its Heterogeneous Multi-Processing (HMP) solution for the Exynos 5 Octa to fully maximize the benefits of the ARM® big.LITTLE™ technology. The HMP capability gives system-level designers the ability to develop solutions that deliver the right combination of high-performance and low-power to carry out tasks such as 3D gaming, complex augmented reality and advanced web browsing.

“It’s usually assumed that the big CPU will do all the performance-critical work, however, power-efficient little cores can handle many significant workloads all on their own, so the workload is balanced within the system,” said Taehoon Kim, vice president of System LSI marketing, Samsung Electronics. “big.LITTLE processing is designed to deliver the right combination of processors for a specific job. An eight-core processor with HMP is the truest form of the big.LITTLE technology with limitless benefits to the users of high-performance, low-power mobile products.”

“ARM big.LITTLE multi-processing technology delivers the highest performance and efficiency across the widest range of workloads,” said Noel Hurley, vice president, Strategy and Marketing, Processor Division, ARM. “We welcome Samsung’s continued commitment to deploying the leading-edge technology on their latest chips featuring the ARM Cortex™-A series of processors, ARM Mali™ GPUs and ARM Artisan™ physical IP.”

HMP is the most powerful use model for ARM big.LITTLE technology, as it enables the use of all physical cores at the same time. Software threads with high priority or high computational intensity can be allocated to the ‘big’ Cortex-A15 cores while threads with less priority or are less computationally intensive, can be performed by the ‘LITTLE’ Cortex-A7 cores, enabling a highly responsive, low-energy system to be built.

Software implementation is essential to maximizing the benefits of big.LITTLE technology. Multi-processing software controls the scheduling of threads of execution to the appropriate core. In earlier versions of the big.LITTLE software, the whole processor context is moved up to the ‘big’ core or down to the ‘LITTLE’ core based on the measured work load. In-depth study and analysis of diverse use case scenarios enable Samsung to achieve efficiency and high-performance, while managing power levels to deliver optimal user environments.

The HMP solution for Samsung’s Exynos 5 Octa application processors will be available to customers in 4Q of 2013.



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